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Chasing Lights

Chasing Lights


On Friday we were excited to hear the news from the FB Aurora Borealis Notifications Group that there was a high chance to see the Northern Lights. It's always a plus this time of the year to go Northern Lights chasing because it's dark enough to see the lights and the weather is nice enough to forego a full winter gear setup. We were fine just wearing hoodies, light jackets, and beanies.

We hit up the usual local spots Flattop, Point Woronzof, Potters Marsh. We wanted to wrap things up before 3AM to get enough rest for our tie-dye event at Zumiez that afternoon so staying in town was the only option, but we were all tempted to head out of town to either Hatcher Pass or towards Portage after seeing some of the photos people were posting from those locations. 

Lady Aurora did not disappoint. We were treated to a nice showing at both Flattop and Point Woronzof. There were clouds at both locations but the lights were still visible as the following photos and time-lapse video show. As we were wrapping up for the night the moon was coming over just as the Northern Lights were fading out. We're all looking forward this season to getting out a little more and chasing the lights. Hope to see some of you guys out there!

Northern Lights2-10-13-17

Northern Lights-10-13-17

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