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Supply The Sounds: Playlist Vol.One

Supply The Sounds: Playlist Vol.One

Over here at 49th Supply Co. were always thinking of what’s next. Music is a driving force when it comes to what is motivating us on the daily to create the 49th brand. So we decided to #supplythesounds for ya’ll, and provide a bi-weekly playlist guaranteed to guide you on the road of epic adventure. @the49thsupplyco introduce’s a locally crafted playlist, “Supply The Sounds”- a carefully crafted playlist featuring local talent like @taytarantino @joshboots @snarleybrown @badagenda. These personal compilations are meant to make you get out there and get some. Our Alaska summer is whipping by us as fast as the snow is sure to cover the mountain tops, so you best not waste any daylight. Stay tuned for info on how to access what were listening to on our daily routine, and do us this one favor- never stop adventuring. #49thsupplyco #supplythesounds

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