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Supply The Sounds: Ralph Castelli

Supply The Sounds: Ralph Castelli

Ralph Castelli was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He started playing music at the age of 8 when his father bought him an electric guitar on his birthday. This sparked a passion for music that led him to leave home at the young age of 18 years old and pursue a production degree in Sydney Australia where he has stayed for nearly two years creating music in his bedroom studio, attending school and working. In September of 2017, he released his first three track E.P which within the month was supported by Spotify’s playlist curators on high traffic playlists such as Fresh Finds and Low-key Weekend as well as large Youtube channels like LazyLazyMe and Majestic Casual. 

Ralph plans to build a team around his project of like-minded individuals who can help grow his fanbase. Ralph sees a full 10 - 12 track album in the near future and would like to be touring and performing that live. Ralph would also like to create visual content and direct it himself for youtube.

Ralph Castelli is the only person working for this project, he did all of the writing, mixing and mastering of his first E.P. Every layer and sound in his first E.P was created with his hands, mouth or guitar, he has not added a sample he did not personally create or record himself including percussion. Ralphs manager (John Yope) is an alias created by Ralph to make him sound like he is cool enough to have a manager.


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1 comment

  • Great sound. Will listen more and see what I think, which could be right or wrong. Still another opinion.

    Inspector Beaver

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